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Stream Statistics for Westcol on Kick.com

Stream Statistics for Kick.com Streamer Westcol.

Westcol Overall Stream Statistics for this stream

Average Viewers
Peak Viewers
Games Played
197 Min

Viewership Development for this Stream

Stream Game Statistics

Game Average Viewer Peak Viewer Duration
150410 297467 197

Stream Title Development

WEST SANTOS VS 1K // NOS JUGAMOS TODO(2024-05-30 23:40:00)

Stream Category Development

Just Chatting (2024-05-30 23:40:00)

Stream Facts

The stream started at 2024-05-30 23:32:41.

The average viewership for this Westcol stream was 150410.

Peak Viewership for this stream was 297467.

In this stream Westcol played one game.